Meet Aardman's CANIMALS

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Meet Aardman's CANIMALS
UK production house Aardman Animation - home to Wallace And Gromit, among others - has teamed up with Korea's Voozclub and Spain's Screen 21 to create a new animated series titled Canimals.

As you would expect from the title the characters are all tin cans done up as animals and, fitting the international nature of it, there appears to be no dialogue whatsoever. None of that's particularly surprising. What is, however, is just how wonderfully odd this whole thing appears to be.

Production is scheduled to run for a series of fifty two seven minute shorts and what appears to be the first one has arrived on YouTube. Check it out below and ask yourself this: Will this show be a bigger hit amongst pre-schoolers or college age stoners?
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