Meet The Year's Best Scripts. The 2010 Black List Announced.

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Meet The Year's Best Scripts. The 2010 Black List Announced.
An annual list of the best unproduced screenplays circulating in Hollywood, Franklin Leonard's Black List has become a remarkable gauge of the best of what may be coming down the line. Compiled from a poll of hundreds of development executives the list - now in its sixth year - has a pretty stellar track record when it comes to finding the best and brightest regardless of whether they be a young up and comer or an established writer. This year's list is skewed towards projects that have already been optioned or set up but regardless, here's what you should be looking for in the coming year:

College Republicans by Wes Jones. Aspiring politician Karl Rove leads a dirty campaign for College Republican chairman under the guidance of Lee Atwater. Anonymous Content producing.

Jackie by Noah Oppenheim. Jacqueline Kennedy's life immediately after her husband's assassination. Darren Aronofsky directing for Fox Searchlight.

All You Need Is Kill by Dante Harper. A new army recruit in a war against aliens finds himself caught in a time loop. Set up at Warner Bros. Doug Liman may direct.

Safe House by David Guggenheim. A young man at a CIA-run safe house must help a rogue ex-agent escape assassins. Universal Pictures to produce with Daniel Espinoza to direct. Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington to star.

Stoker by Wentworth Miller. After the death of her father, a teenage girl must deal with a mysterious uncle. Fox Searchlight purchased the script.

999 by Matt Cook. A gang of crooked cops plans a major heist that requires them to shoot a fellow officer. Anonymous Content producing.

Margin Call by J.C. Chandor. A fictional account of the final 24 hours of Lehman Brothers. Chandor has directed stars Kevin Spacey and Paul Bettany. Film will debut at Sundance Film Festival next month.

American Bullshit by Eric Warren Singer. The true story of the FBI's 1980 undercover sting operation of Congress, dubbed Abscam, which was designed to root out corruption and was the brainchild of a con man. Sony Pictures has optioned the script.

Argo by Chris Terrio. The true story of how the CIA, with help from Hollywood, used a fake movie project to smuggle hostages out of Tehran during the 1979 hostage crisis. Optioned by Warner Bros.

The Last Son of Isaac Lemay by Greg Johnson. An aging outlaw, convinced that there's evil in his genes, goes on a journey to kill his offspring. Gore Verbinski's company producing.
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