Lee Chang-Dong - The Director Of OASIS And SECRET SUNSHINE - Returns With Poetry.

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Lee Chang-Dong - The Director Of OASIS And SECRET SUNSHINE - Returns With Poetry.
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When downloading my email today, right at the top of the stack was a note from ScreenAnarchy regular Mr Hibbert, labeled appropriately enough "I've come to shout at you." Heh. Seems we'd missed the news of Lee Chang-Dong's latest and Hibbert was here to correct this wrong.

And right he was to do so!  Lee is one of Korea's finest and his latest - Poetry - is widely rumored to premiere at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.  Here's the story:

A profound story of an elderly woman in search of the fundamental poetry from her life. Aside from being sentenced with an Alzheimer's disease, she faces another dilemma when her teen-aged grandson who is under her care is found to be one of the assaulters of a girl from his junior-high school who had committed suicide.

Or, as Mr Hibbert put it, "it's a bit like Mother, probably on a whole new level of depressing." Then he threatened to punch me. Go easy, Hibbert! I'm fresh out of hospital! The rest of you can check the trailer below.
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