RIP Corey Haim

Contributor; Reykjavik, Iceland
RIP Corey Haim
I'm pretty sure that almost everyone of my generation, who grew up in the 80's saw a film featuring a Corey, Haim or Feldman, often both at the same time. These two boys shot to stardom starring in popular teen movies and were at the time the biggest teen idols out there. But then as does often happen with teen idols, they grow up and more often than not these same idols have a hard time coming to grips with faded stardom. Unfortunately Haim chose the road of drugs and the last few years have sadly been hard on him. Seeing him for the first time in years as a part of the DVD extras on The Lost Boys Special Edition showed a man bloated with drugs and alcohol. It was not a pretty sight.
So it doesn't really come as much of surprise that this morning the body of Haim was found at his home after an apparent overdose.
Haim was 38 years old. I think it's time to pop in either The Lost Boys, Silver Bullet or License to Drive in honor of this 80's idol.

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