Sultans of The South Mexican Heist Movie out on DVD

Sultanes De La Sur ( Sultans of the South ), is a Mexican Bank Heist film which came out in Mexico the backend of 2007. Now a North American release doesnt look to be on the horizon, but a recent Thai DVD release with English subtitles looks to be about the best we're likely to see for the forthcoming future
The film could be one to watch as writer and director's Alejandro Lozano and Tony Dalton were due to make their Hollywood debut with the film 'Live Bet' staring 50 cent, which the man fifty is helping to produce. This project looks to be canned now as no mention appears to be on imdb. The pair scored a huge hit in 2004 with the Crime Caper 'Matando Cabos' scoping MTV Mexico
and Ariel Awards in their homeland,
A English Subtitled trailer can see be seen below