First Teaser For Oshii-Scripted Samurai Anime MIYAMOTO MUSASHI

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
First Teaser For Oshii-Scripted Samurai Anime MIYAMOTO MUSASHI

Though Mizuho Nishikubo may be the actual director of upcoming animated feature Miyamoto Musashi from Japan's Production IG and while the director usually reigns supreme, fans will most likely have eyes for another name on the list of credits here: Ghost in the Shell director Mamoru Oshii. As he did with both Blood: The Last Vampire and Jin-Roh before this, Oshii has created and scripted Miyamoto Musashi for another director to helm and given Oshii's pedigree there are sure to be legions of fans excited about this one all around the globe. The film is a bio-picture of sorts, revolving around the legendary swordsman of the same name - a revered master fighter and tactician - and though the film is not scheduled for release until the summer, the first teaser has just arrived online. You'll find it below the break in the ScreenAnarchy Player.

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Thanks to Brian and Ulrik for pointing it out.

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