Danny Trejo is ready for his extreme close-up, Mr. deMille!

[In accordance with the book of "Things Todd Lets Us Get Away With" this post will remain here on top of the page for, well, most of the day. Please scroll down for today's news.]
Some people look weathered, but few people look leathered!
I don't know what Danny Trejo has been doing with his skin to make it look like that, but I'd hate to try it myself.
With a face that transcends conventional opinions about "beautiful" and "ugly", the man has been a walking special effect since his near-accidental tumble into the film industry in "Runaway Train" at age 40, and from the start he has been almost lethally recognizable and continuously typecast.
But instead of wearing out his welcome Danny Trejo only became more popular, especially after Robert Rodriguez started to use him to great effect in his movies.
Even though he is by all accounts a very nice guy these days, Mr. Trejo has had a rather, eh... checkered past, so to speak, spending nearly all of the sixties behind bars in a wide selection of famous prisons. Funnily enough he still gets asked at auditions if he can play a convict.
Next year he'll turn 65 but there's no sign of him retiring yet. In fact the man is almost insanely prolific: in 2008 alone Danny Trejo was already visible in more than 10 films, another 10 are scheduled to be released later this year, and he did television work too!
Anyway, Danny Trejo's face almost seems created just for the purpose of being zoomed-in on. Which means that once again I'm going to use a turn in the ScreenAnarchy-O-Meter to do a gallery of 5 close-ups.
Guess which 5 movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDB. Because he always looks more-or-less the same I've kept it relatively easy and stuck to movies which have opened wide. So forget about those titles which were released Direct-To-Video only, these shots come from real movies with real budgets!