Puppets! From Denmark!

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
Puppets!  From Denmark!

Yes, I like puppets. No, that's not the only reason I'm posting this.

That technicolor image to the left comes courtesy of My 1 Film, a new anthology project from Danish animation house Copenhagen Bombay. Why does this matter? Because Copenhagen Bombay is home to Anders Morgenthaler, the director of the searing Princess, a man who is charting one very odd and very compelling career path. After turning heads with his ultra violent anti-porn screed he moved directly into production on a children's animated feature, The Apple and the Worm, a dark live action drama, Echo, and a half hour animated short for Danish television, Eat Shit And Die. Clearly the man is the restless type, keeping his fingers in all sorts of different pies and all signs are that Morgenthaler will be riding the coming wave of European animation that should hit these shores within the next couple years.

As for this project in particular it's a six part animated anthology with new works from Karla Nielsen, Rikke Hallund, Sabine Ravn, Mette Skov, Esben Toft Jacobsen and Anders Morgenthaler himself. For a taste of what you might want to expect hit the link below to check out a vast array of clips from Copenhagen Bombay's Morgenhaar, currently playing on Danish television. My god, Copenhagen's supply of LSD must drop to perilously low levels whenever this thing hits the airwaves ...

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