UK Poster And Trailer - Plus Stills - For Rigoberto Castañeda’s KM. 31

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
UK Poster And Trailer - Plus Stills - For Rigoberto Castañeda’s KM. 31

Rigoberto Castañeda’s Mexican horror film KM. 31 will be getting a theatrical release in the UK starting December 7th and the good folks at Yume Pictures have just given us an early look at their poster and trailer for the film along with a series of stills. The trailer is a slightly longer version of the theatrical trailer prepared by Filmax for the Spanish release, the added run time made up almost exclusively of big money shots. If you want to see what the scares look like in this one the trailer gives you plenty to ogle.

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Click here to download the trailer (WMV)
Click here for the stills

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