Yajikita Update. 'Yaji X Kita' aka 「真夜中の弥次さん喜多さん」.



I emailed some bits to Todd last night but he must have gone out, or to bed like I did just after I sent them... so now I am awake I am trying to put together some updated bits on Yajikita now whilst I have the chance.

OK, it's based on a book it seems, and that's the first thing I discovered.

Secondly, there's a making-of DVD out there, as from April 1st in Japan.

Thirdly the title confusion: some Japanese sites actually refer to it as 'Yaji X Kita' and the full Japanese title is 「真夜中の弥次さん喜多さん」. That seems to translate as 'Midnight with Yaji and Kita' according to a comment in the previous post below.

There's also this page with a 7 minute press conference with some more pictures too on here. Can't read the interview there, so would be interested to know what it says.

That's the official poster to the left it seems.

Finally, spotted a trailer hidden away. Broadband and Narrowband streams from some odd Japanese film site.

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