Imagine 2024 Review: MI BESTIA
Camila Beltrán's debut is a sympathetic look at a young life in the throws of confusing change.

In Camila Beltrán's feature film debut Mi Bestia (My Beast), the woman-this-is-especially-true-for is 13-year-old Mila. She grows up in 1996's Colombia, in its capital Bogotá, and religious fanatics are worried the upcoming lunar eclipse will herald the biblical apocalypse. The sensationalist media speak of murders and satanic rituals, so how should a girl react when she feels she's changing so much, physically and in yearnings? Indeed, when something strange happens to her, is it normal? And if it's not, who can you tell if everyone sees the devil in every shadow? And is her new stepfather overprotective or just a sleazeball?

Mi Bestia is currently travelling the festival circuit worldwide.
Mi bestia
- Camila Beltrán
- Stella Martinez
- Mallerly Murillo
- Marcela Mar
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