Scott Adkins Breaks Down THE ART OF ACTION

Well, hot damn, here's a little something to delight fans of action cinema:
Making very, very good use of his time during lockdown, veteran (and much loved) screen fighter and actor Scott Adkins has launched a series of lengthy video interviews with fellow screen fighters. Titled The Art Of Action, the series delivers exactly what you would hope for with the absolute cream of the international screen fighting community sitting and talking with one another in detail about their craft. How much detail? Well, the shortest episode so far clocks in at a whopping 37 minutes. So this is proper care and attention paid to some of the world's most highly disciplined - and widely overlooked - screen talents.
Adkins has posted three episodes in the series so far - with conversations including Marko Zaror, Kane Kosugi and Tony Jaa - and more are very definitely planned. This is an absolute delight and total must watch viewing for action fans. Check 'em out below.