Morbido 2017: No Shortage of Shorts at This Year's Festival Del Terror

Yesterday our friends at Morbido announced the lineup of films for this year's festival. Not included was the bounty of short films that will also be playing. That will be rectified today as we can announce all 109 short films, from 17 countries, that will play in 14 fourteen programs during the festivities.
We already knew that Screen Anarchy's Izzy Lee (For a Good time Call and Rites of Vengance) and Shelagh Rowan-Legg (Flow) had their short films in the fest and soon we noticed that some of our friends were also touting laurels after the lineup was announced.
Apart from the short films our fam have at the fest we also see that a handful of our other friends have their short films at the festival as well. Gustavo Cooper's Amy, Born of Sin by William Boodell, Teddy Bear Picnic from legendary poster illustrator Thomas Hodge, Tether from Bad Blood's Tim Reis, Daemonrunner from Wyrmwood's Kiah Roache-Turner and Creswick from Natalie Erika James. On the LatAm side we see that Adrián García Bogliano and his wife Andrea Quiroz (Here Comes the Devil and Late Phases) have a new one called Oppna Inte Ogonen (No abras los ojos).
These are just a few of the long, long list of titles in the shorts program this year. The complete list of films and the programs are below.
01. BARBECUE FOR YOUR SUBCONSCIOUSExactly as it sounds; seven juicy stories to feed your dreams and modify your perceptions. Duration: 87 mÚltima estación Héctor Dávila / México / 6 mOs Enamorados (Los Amantes) Claudio Ellovitch / Brasil / 10 mApostolos Marcos de Brito / Brasil / 14 mKum VeHithalech (Levántate y anda) Raanan Berger / Israel / 22 mIt Began Without Warning Jessica Starlight, Santiago C. Tapia / EUA / 6 mKept Jaime D. González / Colombia / 18 mOppna Inte Ogonen (No abras los ojos) Adrián García Bogliano, Andrea Quiroz / Suecia / 11 m02. THE SUPREMACY OF VIOLENCEUndeniable and toxic, as well as innate and necessary for our species. Eight stories that explore this painful paradox. Duration: 76 mThe Servant Farnoush Abedi / Irán / 9 mCavalls Morts (Caballos muertos) Marc Riba, Anna Solanas / España / 7 mEl rastro José L. Extremera / Francia / 4 m20-02-08 Jeronimo Rocha / Portugal / 5 mCruelle est la Nuit (La noche es cruel) Alan Deprez / Francia / 22 mViulu Ramin Sohrab / Finlandia / 10 mLucha Eddie Rubio / México / 19 m03. SPIRITS ALL AROUND USMost don’t see them, some just feel them; we share eight explorations of those entities that wander around us. Duration: 87 mDe aquí a la eternidad Perla Gutiérrez / México / 28 mTwilight of Dreams: Zombie Jesus Vampire Hunter Gustavo Avilés / USA / 10 mEl colgado Edgar Nito / México / 3 mNail JB Minerva / México / 10 mCrave Carl Shanahan / Reino Unido / 9 miMédium Alfonso García López / España / 6 mBye, Bye, Baby Pablo S. Pastor / España / 16 mDaemonrunner Kiah Roache-Turner / Australia / 5 m04. OUR NATIONAL HAUNTINGSSeven mexican creators share their nightmares and fears as they describe our collective history. Duration: 97 mThe Last Light Angelita Mendoza / México / 11 mRod y Chang / México / 13 mJosé X José María Espinosa de los Monteros / México / 10 mMañana nos vemos Isac Betancourt / México / 10 mLa dama de rojo Edgar Nito / México / 3 mEn el nombre del Padre José Damián Cano / México / 8 mEl reflejo del Diablo Fernando PerezGil / México / 10 mSe busca niñera Pablo Olmos Arrayales / México / 18 mEncarnación Ricardo Castro / México / 14 m05. BLOOD-DRENCHED COMEDYFlings between horror and comedy give birth to little monsters. Dare to meet ten of the most mischievous. Duration: 88 mFlow Shelagh Rowan-Legg / Reino Unido / 5 mWe Summoned a Demon Chris McInroy / EUA / 6 mEvströnger Silvia Conesa / España / 3 mLunch Ladies J.M. Logan / EUA / 19 mSmear Kate Herron / Reino Unido / 5 mMoose Limbs Philip Hardy / Reino Unido / 15 mThird Wheel Daniel del Purgatorio / EUA / 4 mThe Call of Charlie Dick Spooner / EUA / 15 mR.I.P. Caye Casas, Albert Pintó / España / 16 m06. HEAVEN IS EMPTYSome doubt it, and we love to reiterate it. Six high-caliber fictions to refute an even greater one. Duration: 97 mEl hada de los dientes Gonzalo Torrens, Jeremías Segovia / Uruguay / 7 mThe Goatman of Kananaskis Tristin Deveau / Canadá / 9 mLouhi, Pohjan Noita (The Northern Witch) Lauri Löytökoski / Finlandia / 28 mSol Carlos G. Gananian / Brasil / 14 mLa peste Guillermo Carbonell / Uruguay / 10 mSound from the Deep Antti Laakso, Joonas Allonen / Finlandia / 29 m07. SCHISMS OF REALITYLeave the certitude of your perceptions behind. Let yourself be swept away by eight mind-blowing tangents. Duración / Duration: 74 mI am Doorway Robin Kasparik / República Checa / 15 mThe Endless Calemard, Gravend, Le Teuff, Lourme, Vivier,Zuloaga / Francia / 4 mMeeting MacGuffin Catya Plate / EUA / 10 mFramed Marco Jemolo / Italia / 7 mModelado Christian Hernández / México / 13 mLast Breath Olivier Beguin / Suiza / 5 mPoliangular Alexandra Castellanos / México / 9 mYin Nicholas Fong / Bélgica / 11 m08. THE HUMAN ENEMYThe planet’s fauna has no doubt about it; we are the problem. Seven cases that confirm this. Extra-sensitive souls, please abstain. Duration: 87 miMeow Chris Jopp / EUA / 13 mCall of Cuteness Brenda Lien / Alemania / 4 mVäg 13 (Ruta 13) P. Iskra, K. Sundbeck / Suecia / 6 mAll you can Eat Manuel Perez, Paulina Galindo / México / 8 mCook, Cook, Cook Song Sung Do / Corea / 11 mNuestro viejo (y el mar) Lander Camarero / España / 30 mSkin for Skin Kevin D.A. Kurytnik, Carol Beecher / Canadá / 15 m09. GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOODFrom the vulnerability and power of childhood to the magic and curse of adult life. A wide array of ten experiences from the perspective of their protagonists. Duration: 90 mA Father’s Day Mat Johns / Reino Unido / 10 mAgatha Timothy Vandenberg / EUA / 9 mBorn of Sin William Boodell / EUA / 10 mCakeman Sofía Garza-Barba / EUA / 4 mGoodnight Gracie Stellan Kendrick / EUA / 4 mTeddy Bear Picnic Thomas Hodge / Reino Unido / 5 mJenny Loves Satan Jenna Bryant / EUA / 15 mRougarou Catherine Taylor / EUA / 16 mAmy Gustavo L Cooper / EUA / 7 mCerulia Sofía Carrillo / México / 13 m10. BLACK-TIE EXTREMEExpose yourself to the frontiers of six of the genre’s audiovisuals. The extreme is not what you imagine. Extra-sensitive souls, please abstain. Duration: 93 mMeat Antoine Osorio,Paul-André Robin / Francia / 11 mSecretions Goran Spoljaric / Australia / 13 mNocturnally Yours David Ferino / EUA / 11 mWhat price freedom?: The History of Apocalypse Cartoons Dean Packis / EUA / 30 mMouse Celine Held, Logan George / EUA / 10 mLes Fines Bouches (Los sibaritas) Arnaud Tabarly, Francia / 18 m11. HEROIC CADETS OF THE GENREOur reality, cradle of so many nightmares, reinterpreted by six daring mexican narrators who don’t let stubborn reality limit their imaginations. Duration: 87 mLos misterios de las monjas vampiras Antonio Alvarez Morán / México / 18 mYo soy Terror Raúl Bribiesca / México / 1 mSobrevivir Omar Alcalá / México / 6 mLa ninfa Vadir Sotello / México / 7 mMédium Isaac Zambra / México / 20 mTe necesito ya Cremance / México / 15 mEl placer de la carne Oliver Izquierdo / México / 7 mNosotros y ellos Roberto J. López Rodríguez / México / 13 m12. OUR FEIGNED REALITYNow, more than ever, we need to make use of science fiction to keep up the illusion. Six short films to shake up the scenery. Duration: 82 mLeviticus 24:20 Freddy Chávez Olmos, Shervin Shoghian / México / 6 mTether Tim Reis / EUA / 13 mSignal To Noise Jarret Blinkhorn/ EUA / 4 mEläintarha (El zoológico) Malakias / Finlandia / 4 mDevastación Abraham Sánchez / México / 30 mJulkita Humberto Busto / México / 19 mM.A.M.Ó.N.: Monitor Against Mexicans Over Nationwide Alejandro Damiani / Uruguay / 6 m13. INTERRUPTIONS TO EXISTENCEWhether we like it or not, we all have an expiration date. We present eight heart-wrenching confirmations. Duration: 72 mLilith Sergio Solares Álvarez / México / 4 mRites of Vengance Izzy Lee / EUA / 5 mThe Candle René Ashton / EUA / 9 mThrough the Eyes of the Dead Hussein Khoder EUA / Australia / 5 mBoda negra Rafael Almazán Ochoa / México / 12 mJudgement Sean Healy / Reino Unido / 5 mSons of Bitches Arnaud Baur / Suiza / 19 mThe Veiled Joshua Long / Australia / 13 m14 . FEMALE ENIGMASDoubt, certainty, frailty, magic, pain, pleasure. Eight female creators share their universes. Duration: 109 m(Un)pleasure Carolina González / México / 4 mEdge of Alchemy Stacy Steers / EUA / 20 mBuckets / Julia Jones / EUA / 14 mFor a Good time Call Izzy Lee / EUA / 12 mLes Elus (Los elegidos) Dominique Loubier / Canadá / 14 mSuperpower Girl Soo Young Kim / Corea / 25 mLovescream Ice Love / Corea / 7 minCreswick Natalie Erika James / Australia / 10 m
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