Russian Disaster Film ICEBREAKER Runs Ashore With New Trailer, Higher Rating

Coming from the team behind subway disaster picture Metro, we've been keeping an eye on upcoming Russian disaster flick Icebreaker for a while now and have now been rewarded both with a new trailer and news that the film has bumped up a rung on the ratings ladder.
Based on an actual incident from 1985, it's not too hard to figure out where this one is going. Ship plus ice equals bad result, basically, but it's all about the execution here which appears to be truly grand scale. Earlier teasers and the first trailer were labeled with a 6+ rating - essentially the Russian equivalent of general admission - which raised some questions about just how bad the outcome could possibly be but this latest effort has seen the rating pushed up to 12+ which would mean the answer is pretty bad, though nobody is likely to get dismembered. Check out the latest effort below!