The Story Of A Boy And His Giraffe In ZARAFA

Founder and Editor; Toronto, Canada (@AnarchistTodd)
The Story Of A Boy And His Giraffe In ZARAFA

It would appear Michel Ocelot and Kirikou no longer have the market cornered when it comes to animated features based on African folk tales and environments. Fellow Frenchmen Remi Bezancon and Jean-Christophe Lie are preparing an African tale of their own with Zarafa, the story of a baby giraffe and the young boy who loves it.

France is increasingly taking a leadership role when it comes to international animation and the first teaser for this makes it easy to see why. The quality is very high, indeed, and the characters instantly engaging. Very impressive.
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Rémi BezançonJean-Christophe LieAlexander AbelaMax Renaudin PrattSimon AbkarianAbraham AdesoyeSjaak CaderynAnimationFamily

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