Tag: jamesmapes

Rest In Peace, Robin Hardy, Director Of THE WICKER MAN, 1929-2016

Robin Hardy, director of one of the all time great horror films, The Wicker Man has passed on at the age of 86.   Born in Surrey, England, Hardy started his career with the National Film Board of Canada, before going...

Unearthed! THE WICKER MAN: THE FINAL CUT Promises Robin Hardy's Original Vision

Robin Hardy's The Wicker Man has become an unwavering classic that is still capable of chilling modern audiences. Yet, when the director spoke with ScreenAnarchy's Kurt Halfyard and Michael Guillen back in 2011, he ruefully observed, "The actual cut of...

Blu-ray Review: Robin Hardy's THE WICKER TREE

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthaniMy God, My God, why have you forsaken me?Robin Hardy's The Wicker Tree, ten years in the making, is a strange conundrum of a film. Hardy's The Wicker Man, from 1973, is the tale of an English...

Review: Robin Hardy's THE WICKER TREE

The Wicker Man is one of those films that has taken on such a life of its own over the past 38 years.  It succeeded against all manner of personality conflict, distribution woes, and production logistics - tales of which are...

Watch An Exclusive Clip From Robin Hardy's THE WICKER TREE

Director Robin Hardy burst in to the international film world in 1973 with the release of The Wicker Man, the cult title still widely considered to be one of the greatest British genre films ever made. Hardy's career has followed...

Impressive New US Trailer For Robin Hardy's THE WICKER TREE

Robin Hardy's The Wicker Tree was a pleasant surprise when it premiered at Montreal's Fantasia Festival. Early trailers cut during production had not impressed and the response from the early market screenings was generally negative and so it's true that...

Grimm Up North 2011: THE WICKER TREE review

If you're going to mash up horror and comedy ideally your writer or director needs to have it straight what it is the audience are supposed to be laughing at. The idea of a quiet English village hiding a pathologically...

Fantasia 2011: THE WICKER TREE Review

The Wicker Man is one of those films that has taken on such a life of its own over the past 38 years.  It succeeded against all manner of personality conflict, distribution woes, and production logistics - tales of which...

Full Trailer For Robin Hardy's THE WICKER TREE

I should preface this by saying that - despite the fact that it looks and acts like a trailer - I am not 100% convinced the the 2+ minute video released on the site of Robin Hardy's The Wicker Tree...

Robin Hardy Returns With THE WICKER TREE

It has been thirty seven years since Robin Hardy unleashed The Wicker Man upon the world, thirty seven years in which he has directed only one other feature. But now Hardy is back behind the camera to wash the...