Tag: corymcabee

Experience The Marvelous Oddity Of Cory McAbee's Small Star Seminar

We make no secret of our love for The American Astronaut and Stingray Sam eccentric Cory McAbee in these parts. A multi-talented musician, writer and director there's simply nobody else quite like McAbee anywhere in the world and any time...

A Dozen Directors We'd Love To See Handed A Cool Hundred Million

We all know the phenomenon: there are movies out there that we'd love to see, but do not get their financing sorted. Some directors are just not lucky enough, some seem to be cursed (cough-Gilliam-cough), but sometimes directors just aren't...

STINGRAY SAM Giveaway Winners

Oh, Stingray Sam is not a hero, but he does do the things that folks don't do that need to be done ...It's amazing how many people didn't get that right - particularly when it's right on the DVD cover...

STINGRAY SAM DVD And Soundtrack Giveaway!

We do love us some Cory McAbee here at ScreenAnarchy and we're more than happy to say that we've just been offered up two copies of McAbee's latest film odyssey Stingray Sam on DVD along with a pair of soundtrack...

Fantastic Fest 2009: Stingray Sam

Stingray Sam is holding a gig at a lounge on the planet of Mars. Actually he is laying low as he still has a debt to society that he has to repay thanks to some dodgey interplanetary trade and commerce....

Fantastic Fest 09: STINGRAY SAM Review

[The following review originally appeared as part of Ard's coverage of Amsterdam's Imagine This festival earlier this year. It reappears now with the film about to screen at Fantastic Fest 09.] Hi y'all! Time to get silly. Having never seen...

STINGRAY SAM Online Today!

Though I'm not quite certain what time today it will appear - or, for that matter, how long it will remain available for - today is the day that Cory McAbee's latest sci-fi musical western opus Stingray Sam becomes available...