Tag: loscabos2016

Los Cabos 2016 Review: LION Is Sickly Sweet Awards Bait

On its surface Lion is little more than awards bait, the kind of saccharine, melodramatic mess that gets trotted out to garner attention and weepy audiences. With the powerhouse Weinsteins behind the project, along with a retinue of actors such...

Los Cabos 2016 Review: THE ISLANDS AND THE WHALES Takes A Fascinating Look At A Remote Community

The notion of cultural relativism is one that goes back to the late 19th century and is one that’s often simply conflated to mean “you have your way, I have mine”. It was an attempt, through its sister moral relativism,...

AnarchyVision: Live from Los Cabos Edition! CHRISTINE, ARRIVAL, LOVING

My latest report comes from the decadently sunny Los Cabos International Film Festival, where a number of premieres and festival faves come to play in an area they're building up as the "Cannes of Mexico". After giving up at Sundance...

Los Cabos 2016 Review: WHILE THE WOLF'S AWAY Loses its Way

While the Wolf’s Away, the debut from Joseph Hemsani, is a strange collision of motifs and references. With significant echoes to the work of fellow countryman Guillermo Del Toro, this coming of age-meets dark thriller at times feels like it’s...