Tag: finneganoldfield

Now Streaming: Bertrand Bonello's Cinematic House of Pleasures

As 'The Beast' continues to roll out its U.S. release, four films by the French director are now available to stream.

Review: LES COWBOYS Wrestles With Complex Issues and Ideas

Thomas Bidegain's film, Les Cowboys, begins in a strange key, with a nuclear French family spending the day at an American Western-themed rodeo (not that there's any other real kind). It's clearly no casual affair for them, but a practiced...

Review: BANG GANG (A MODERN LOVE STORY), Writhing Young Things, Experimenting

There is something refreshing about teenage drama cum neo-Bechdel test, Bang Gang. The film seems to be on a conscious mission to smash any and all notions of how these films are done. From John Hughes' The Breakfast Club with...

BANG GANG (A MODERN LOVE STORY): "It's Brutal For This Generation," Says Director Eva Husson

Somewhat frighteningly, Eva Husson’s Bang Gang: A Modern Love Story is loosely based on a true story from 1996. During one particularly hot summer, a series of terrible accidents afflicted the French railways and a spate of teenage orgies really did...