Tag: detectivedowns

Fantastic Fest 2013: Images From Day Two - THE SACRAMENT, DETECTIVE DOWNS, GRAND PIANO And Many More!

In this gallery from the second day of the mighty Fantastic Fest exists what might be the best photograph of Nacho Vigolando we will ever see. It was taken during the Chaos Reigns Karaoke Party at the end of day...

It's The Oddest Thing You'll See All Day, Check The Trailer For DETECTIVE DOWNS

Crossing lines of good taste and political correctness with glee, Bård Breien's Detective Downs delivers exactly what it promises on the tin: A noir tinged comedy about a private eye with Downs Syndrome as played by a lead actor who...

Fantastic Fest 2013: Closing Night Film And Final Wave Of Programming Announced!

While I'm sure no one is quite ready to think about the end of the Austin, TX genre orgy that is Fantastic Fest before it's even started, you should at least be aware that the fest will be finishing with...

The Producers Of HEADHUNTERS Present An Unlikely Hero In DETECTIVE DOWNS

If this one works, it's going to work very well indeed. But if it doesn't? Oh, dear ... if it doesn't work then a whole lot of people are going to be very, very angry.Norway's Friland Produksjon - the producers...