Tag: boriskarloff

TARGETS Blu-ray Review: Criterion Hits the Mark with Peter Bogdanovich's First Great Film

Boris Karloff headlines Bogdanovich's frightfully apt sniper horror film.

FICUNAM 2020 Interview: Chris Fujiwara On The Legacy Of Jacques Tourneur

French filmmaker Jacques Tourneur is, certainly, an important part of the history of horror cinema, because he was one of the directors in Val Lewton’s low-budget horror unit at RKO Pictures. In the forties, Tourneur directed the Lewton-produced classics Cat...

The Stack: Canfield Talks Vintage William Castle And Much More

The Stack is back with a last look at what's truly "out there" for Halloween. First up is some vintage Blu-ray goodness from Kino, The Death Kiss starring Bela Lugosi and a late career entry from Boris Karloff, Cauldron of Blood...