Tag: deadlyvengeance

Official SAMURAI COP 2: DEADLY VENGEANCE Trailer Offers More Cult Goodness

Heading for release on October 9, Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance has now unveiled an official trailer, which still promises a load of cult goodness. Matt Hannan returns under the direction of Gregory Hatanaka (Mad Cowgirl); the cast includes Bai Ling,...

He Is The Antichrist And Must Be Defeated. SAMURAI COP 2: DEADLY VENGEANCE Trailer.

Cult film fans rejoice, the Samurai Cop is back! Matt Hannon - the star of the original 1991 cult classic - returns for Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance and he's bringing a boatload of cult figures with him. Mad Cowgirl...