Tag: rieyokoyama

Have Your Say: Is Arrow's FEMALE PRISONER SCORPION Boxset True Or Too Blue?

(Yo listen up, here is a story, about a little guy that lives in a blue world...) There is this issue buzzing around in Blu-ray forums about that Female Prisoner Scorpion boxset from Arrow. The extras and everything are nice...

Pretty Packaging: Arrow's FEMALE PRISONER SCORPION Boxset Carries A Pretty Sting

When distributor Arrow announced they were going to release a boxset of all four Female Prisoner Scorpion films, it was one of those moments when we raise flags here at Screen Anarchy central. I mean, these films are rightfully known...

FEMALE PRISONER #701 Trilogy Comes To London!

Oh London area readers of ScreenAnarchy are you in for such a treat on the 24th of September, oh yes, yes, yes you are. Our pals at Cigarette Burns Cinema will be presenting an all-night screening of the Japanese Pinku...