Van Damme! Lundgren! It's The BLACK WATER Trailer!

The hook here is simple, kids: Black Water is Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren teaming up on a submarine and right there you already know whether you want to see this film. And, really, if you're one of those who - like me - cut your teeth on the action films of the late eighties this is pretty much a must.
A CIA operative (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is imprisoned in a secret black site on board a nuclear submarine. With the help of a new ally (Lundgren) he must make his escape and clear his name before he disappears forever.
Both Lundgren and JCVD have been experiencing something of a late career renaissance in recent years with films that may not always be tearing up the box office but have been embracing a sense of fun that's sending their core fanbase home happy. And for those fans the first teaser for this one has now arrived online. Check it out below and let us know what you think!