Tag: miguelarteta

Cute PSA Hypes the Upcoming CEDAR RAPIDS DVD/Blu Ray Release

Fox PR passed along this cute PSA for the June 21st DVD/Blu release of the Ed Helms comedy, Cedar Rapids. This is a title that, for various reasons (disinterest not among them, actually) I was unable to catch during its...


The new comedy "Cedar Rapids" strives to be many things. It presents itself as a fish-out-of-water comedy, but is actually an underdog freak show of sorts. It presents itself as the latest quirky "mini-major" indie comedy, vying for that...

CEDAR RAPIDS: An Innocent Man in Rowdy Middle America (Review)

(The film opens tomorrow in limited release in Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles.)With its crude humor, abundance of stereotypes, and naive-beyond-belief protagonist, played by Ed Helms, Cedar Rapids is as likely to provoke rolled eyeballs as it is to...

Sundance 2011: Ed Helms Takes The Lead In CEDAR RAPIDS

It's taken him a little while but I think it's safe to say that over the past several years Ed Helms has been on the road to becoming one of the consistently funniest men in America. The key to his...