Tag: djqualls

SURPRISE! Fantastic Fest 2016 Drops Last Wave With SHIN GODZILLA, BUSTER'S MAL HEART, Debates & More

We certainly didn't see this one coming, but if anything, Fantastic Fest is known for sucker punches of awesomeness. Debates include fisticuffs over Tremors, Zack Synder, Rocky 4, and on whether superhero movies are ruining the industry. The new films...

Teaser Trailer for BUSTER'S MAL HEART

Sarah Adina Smith wowed us a couple years ago with her supernatural drama, The Midnight Swim involving the complex emotional ecosystem of three sisters at the family cottage. She is back with Mr. Robot star Rami Malik at the centre of...

Z NATION Starts Tonight On SyFy And Space

Three years after a zombie outbreak, Lt. Mark Hammond is escorting Murphy from New York to a lab in California. They come across a commune run by former reservist Charles Garnett. Hammond recruits Garnett to take him to the next...