INTERVIEW: Actress Danielle Kronenberg Discusses Her Provocative and Award-Winning Role in LGBT Thriller ‘TASTE’

Some films take on a subject matter simply for shock value. While other films are truly out to shed light on something that exists, often something that makes us feel uncomfortable.
Enter the short film “Taste,” which been collecting a lot of attention and awards on the festival circuit for its strong female characters and handling of a controversial topic – same sex rape.
Directed by Jay Palmieri, Jr., “Taste” follows a young bulimic fashion model New York, who after a chance encounter with a photographer, discovers that her animalistic ways can't be tamed after all.
British actress Danielle Kronenberg has picked-up ‘Best Supporting Actress’ awards on the circuit starring as the successful fashion photographer with a history of sexually manipulating her models. She also produced the project.
Danielle recently answers a few questions about this dark and twisted tale.
What attracted you to the film “Taste”?
DANIELLE KRONENBERG: Definitely the character I played, Evan. She's an extremely complex character and it was very challenging to play such an aggressive role.
Did you do anything specific to prepare for this role?
DK: My prep varies from role to role. Evan is an amalgamation of people I've known in my life and I tried to bring my own tenacity and ambition to her personality.
Any tough moment’s on-set, personally or otherwise?
DK: Sex scenes are always tough but when you're dealing with a rape scene it can really start to take a toll on you by the 3rd or 4th take.
The subject matter has shocked some audiences. As a Producer on the film, does that worry you or was that the point?
DK: As a member of the LGBT community I find it more worrying that these situations are not uncommon. Same sex sexual assault is something we don't hear about very often. I'm aware that the subject matter is very shocking to some, but the point of sharing this story was to shed light on a subject that often goes un-noted.
Biggest piece of advice you wish you would have followed?
DK: my parents told me never to get a tattoo, I got one when I was 15. I've now had it removed!
Best advice you actually followed?
DK: Get that tattoo removed!!
Did you ever think about giving up on the project and what stopped you?
DK: I'm a see it through kind of person, when I have a vision I execute it. Especially when you're producing as well as acting there are always difficult times but I never thought of giving up.
Lastly…where do you go from here?
DK: I will be directing and starring in an LGBT political feature. We're looking to shoot in the fall and I'm anxious to get back on set and jump into another character.
Audiences can watch "Taste" for free at