Contributor; Chicago, Illinois

Dragon Dynasty rules. Now I say that as a martial arts fan in the loosest sense. Believe me I know there is a case to made for multi region DVD players, better overseas DVD releases and special features etc. But if, like me, you simply want to be able to build a decent collection of great looking, great sounding, original language, asian fighting cinema, Dragon Dynasty is at the very least, the place to start. Yeah they've released some clunkers but for the most part 

Without vouching for everything that DD has put out I will say they keep me consistently interested in what they might do next and they constantly surprise me with the quality of their releases. Great looking, great sounding, original language, versions and extras on almost everything they put out. As gorgeously photographed lavishly mounted epic battle films go this one is a lot of fun. Set in 370 B.C. and telling the story of a small village which turns to a mysterious stranger when it seems nothing can save them from siege and conquest Battle of the Warriors meshes fine historical with intense battle sequences and lots of behind the scenes intrigue to make for a reasonably engaging battle film. Extras include Feature Commentary by Bey Logan and a Making of featurette. 


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