Tag: elloratorchia

IN THE EARTH Trailer: Ben Wheatley's Eco-Horror, in Cinemas This April, From Neon

Wasting no time since its world premiere at Sundance earlier this year, Neon is preparing to release Ben Wheatley's eco-horror In The Earth in cinemas on April 23rd. They released the trailer today, which you will find below.    As...

Sundance 2021 Review: IN THE EARTH, Mother Nature Gets Super Freaky

While everyone was still working on perfecting their sourdough mix or tightening their glutei during the first five or six months of a still ongoing pandemic, writer-director Ben Wheatley (High Rise, A Field in England, The Kill List), no slouch...

Review: LES COWBOYS Wrestles With Complex Issues and Ideas

Thomas Bidegain's film, Les Cowboys, begins in a strange key, with a nuclear French family spending the day at an American Western-themed rodeo (not that there's any other real kind). It's clearly no casual affair for them, but a practiced...