Exclusive: Dark Star Acquires Alice Maio Mackey's SATRANIC PANIC And CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
Exclusive: Dark Star Acquires Alice Maio Mackey's SATRANIC PANIC And CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS
ScreenAnarchy has the first word about two acquisitions from our friends at Dark Star Pictures. The outlet has once again picked up two films from Australian trans director Alice Maio Mackay.
Today they're announcing the acquisition of Satranic Panic and Carnage For Christmas, and are planning theatrical, digital and hard copy releases as early as this month and in October. They have the distribution rights for North America and the UK. Previously they distributed two of Alice's earlier films, Bad Girls Boogey and T-Blockers.
The prolific teenage filmmaker - no longer a teenager this Sunday when they turn just twenty years old - has been raising a proper ruckus for the trans community with other films like the aformentioned Bad Girls BoogeyT Blockers and So Vam. Our own Josh caught Carnage For Christmas at Fantasia and noted their continued growth as a writer and director. 
Alice Maio Mackay has created an incredible body of work in a very short time, and she’s getting better with each film. There aren’t a lot of nineteen-year-old trans filmmakers with her CV, and she’s definitely building her skills with each one. While some of her earlier work has a definite lo-fi chaotic energy to it, it hasn’t been as well put together as it could have, relying pretty heavily on dialogue that at times feels a bit too much like it was written by a teenager – I know, I know. Carnage for Christmas shows a quantum leap in maturity for both the writing and storytelling, incorporating Mackay’s unique point of view into a story that has the potential to appeal to a wider audience.
... Alice Maio Mackay may have reached the tipping point where her films can find that boarder audience without sacrificing the edge that makes them unique, and Carnage for Christmas is evidence that she’s just going to keep getting better.
So, Dark Star is planning to release Satranic Panic this month then follow up with Carnage For Christmas in October. Both movies will get a targetted theatrical release (so, not in the Bible Belts?), followed by VOD/Digital and hard copy releases. 
The full announcement follows.
Dark Star Pictures has acquired the North American and UK rights to the two newest genre films from Australian Trans director Alice Maio Mackay with SATRANIC PANIC and CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS. Both films will be released this fall after successful festival runs and following DSP’s previous releases of Maio Mackay’s BAD GIRL BOOGEY and T-BLOCKERS. Dark Star Pictures is planning a targeted theatrical release, followed by a VOD/Digital and Physical Media for both films with SATRANIC PANIC in August and CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS in October. 
Both films are coming off of high profile film festival runs, where Maio Mackay continues to garner critical acclaim. SATRANIC PANIC made it’s world premiere at SXSW’s inaugural edition in Sydney before heading to Panic Fest, Salem Horror Fest and more. Meanwhile CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS continues it’s festival journey including Frameline, Fantasia, FrightFest and more.  
SATRANIC PANIC follows Jay, a struggling comic book artist, and Aria, a songstress, who are at an emotional low point. Max, Jay’s boyfriend and Aria’s brother, was brutally murdered by a cult. The two witnessed it, though the hate crime was naturally not taken seriously. Not long after, Aria’s regular estrogen shot gives her the ability to sense demons. With a possible clue to the demonic cult’s origins in Max’s belongings and Aria’s new powers, the duo travel through rural Australia killing demons to avenge Max
CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS follows trans true-crime podcaster, Lola. Worried about the town’s reaction to her transition, Lola is ready to take on anyone this holiday season! However, she didn't expect that person to be a Santa masked killer - paying grisly homage to the town’s own haunted legend, The Toymaker. Now Lola - who has her own connection to the original Toymaker murders - must put an end to these gruesome murders.
SATRANIC PANIC and CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS are not just genre films; they are poignant stories that challenge societal norms and resonate with contemporary themes,” says Michael Repsch, president of Dark Star Pictures. “Following the success of BAD GIRL BOOGEY and T-BLOCKERS, we believe these new films will further solidify Alice's reputation as a trailblazer in the genre. We are excited to see the impact these films will have and look forward to their theatrical release this fall."
The deal was negotiated directly with Alice Maio Mackay on behalf of the filmmaking team and President Michael Repsch on behalf of Dark Star Pictures. 
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