BUY BUST: Second Trailer Delivers The Action

Following on the initial trailer cut for general audiences - and therefore skewing away from the action - and the camera / stunt teast sequence shpwcasing star Anne Curtis kicking ass we now have what fans of Filipino helmer Erik Matti have been waiting for: A full trailer for his upcoming action picture Buy Bust that lays it all out there.
Curtis and current One Championship heavyweight champ Brandon Vera take the leads in Matti's latest, the pair of them starring as members of a police squad sent into the slums to bring down a drug lord. This, of course, has a very particular context given the overall state of Filipino politics under Duterte and his ultra violent way on drugs - which has openly embraced and encouraged extra judicial killings - and it's pretty clear here that the current environment is very much coloring Matti's film.
This trailer is at least as much about the world as it is the characters and there are no glamor shots to be found anywhere, this is dank and ditry stuff with the line between 'heroes' and 'villains' appearing incredibly blurry. It also looks pretty damn great. Take a look below!
[Full disclosure: XYZ Films - where I am head of international acquisitions - have a longstanding relationship with Matti and are sales reps on this film. So, bias, etc etc.]