Screen Anarchy Exclusive: The Official SNAKE OUTTA COMPTON Poster

Editor, News; Toronto, Canada (@Mack_SAnarchy)
Screen Anarchy Exclusive: The Official SNAKE OUTTA COMPTON Poster
Almost a year ago a promo poster appeard at AFM for a spoof movie called Snake Outta Compton. It took a while for the world to catch up and realize, 'No. They're not kidding. They're really making this' so everyone has been keeping an ear to the ground on any developments this past year as the film headed into production. 
So it has come to Screen Anarchy to share with you the 'official as it gets' poster for Hank Braxtan's Snake Outta Compton. It is a slight variation from the sales poster that appeared at Cannes this past Spring, with more characters from the film added to the bottom. 
A rap group on the verge of signing their first record deal is the city's only hope in a battle with a giant mutating snake monster.
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