Fantasia 2015 Exclusive: THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE Trailer Terrifies

Editor, U.S.; Richmond, Virginia (@filmbenjamin)
Fantasia 2015 Exclusive: THEY LOOK LIKE PEOPLE Trailer Terrifies
Fantasia is a big place, with some of the biggest genre movies of 2015 screening across its marathon four weeks.

But as we know, films come in all shapes and sizes. And it is sometimes the smaller pictures, the intimate, low-budget DIY fare made by a band of friends, that can pack the greatest of punches.

Enter: They Look Like People. Directed by Perry Blackshear, with a great ensemble cast, this bromantic psychological horror has won awards left and right in 2015 -- from Slamdance to IFFBoston, Nashville and beyond. I reviewed the film when it premiered at Slamdance and was bowled over by its brutal atmosphere and authentic exploration of mental illness. Here's the part where I quote myself:
They Look Like People endures like few indies can. Its charms and terrors are weighed in human measure, offering something enriching and deeply felt. It also marks the arrival of promising new talent in Blackshear and his little punkish DIY band of creators... what's here is vibrant, on par with micro-budget genre-inflected wonders like Primer, Resolution and The Battery, films which also intelligently explore the world of male friendship.  
Now here's the part where I get to share with you our exclusive (and terrifying) trailer for They Look Like People. Oh, but before you go watch below...

They Look Like People plays at Fantasia, August 2 and 3. Those of you who are Montreal-bound, click here for tickets.  
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