ScreenAnarchy's Top 10 Films Of 2024

Hello all of you readers, we have officially entered 2025 so it's time to have a look back at 2024. We asked everyone here what their favorites were, and 24 writers gave a list. On those were a grand total of 96 films, a lot more than last year. That means our votes were spread across a wider field, and 2024 was probably a harder year than most for everyone to keep up with.

As always, any ratings and listings like these are dubious at best. It's not a race where you can see who reached the finish first, and judging art is mostly subjective anyway. I mean, nobody has seen all films this year, and some of us saw several titles in earlier years, while others of us are still waiting to see them arrive in their corner of the world, sometime in 2025.

Therefore, don't get upset or annoyed if your favorite film is rated too low, or is even missing... or if the one film you hated most actually made it into the list. No matter: lists are fun, lists are nice, and every title on here had several backers behind it (so they must have had something going for them). So take this list with a grain of salt, read this, enjoy it, and may it entice you to check some titles out which could be deserving your attention...

Click on the edge of the pictures to scroll through them, or on the thumbnails to skip straight to a page. The first tab shows the "Runners Up" and I put Flow's picture on top of it so that everyone on the main page will go "Awwwww... they chose a beautiful film for all the family as their number one...". Well... did we?

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