Crowdfund This: The Dutch Horror Comedy POCONGDORIE

There are many ways to show you're surprised in Dutch, most of which involve yelling blasphemous profanities. As this is frowned upon by the elderly and the devout, we have several better things to shout as well, one of the nicest of which is "Potjandorie!" (pot-jahn-door-ee). Still not polite, technically speaking, but neither smutty nor profane.

Also, there is an undead creature in Indonesian mythology called the 'Pocong' (po-chong). Indonesia used to be part of the Dutch' colonial past and to this day there are many people of Indonesian descent in the Netherlands. So, over there, what do you say when you suddenly see an undead Indonesian creature?
Pocongdorie! (po-chong-door-ee)

Dutch production companies Het Shot and Makeway Films are pre-producing a horror comedy where people do get haunted by a pocong. After his mother has died, Dwi needs to clear out the house she lived in and gets help from his sister Nanda. The two quarrel a lot: Dwi is strongly attached to his Indonesian heritage, while Nanda has left all that behind her. The two need to work together though when, among all the rubble, they discover their mother, returned from the dead as a 'Pocong".

Why do we want to see this made? Well, Ivan Hidayat and Jasper ten Hoor are the creators, and they were the ones behind the hilarious horror short Sandwitch a few years ago (watch that here if you haven't yet... it's super cool). Dutch crowdfunding platform Voordekunst will handle donations. They accept Paypal and are not asking for much (the success threshold is around 12,000 US dollars...).

It's a cool project with cool people involved and rest assured that when made, it will be English-friendly by way of subtitles. So check out the promo below, visit their campaign page (here), and CROWDFUND THIS!

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