It's only been the last couple of years that I've been writing about film seriously, realizing that the medium can go much further than just mere entertainment and that freeing from the dominant narrative structure can be exhilarating.
What started out as a simple question that if there was an adequate name to describe the current crop of shape-shifting postmodern cinema pulled me into the very depth of the cinematic rabbit hole, left me exhausted and confused and exhilarated at the same time. As I was reminded watching Film Socialisme (Godard), Sans Soleil (Marker), Fontainhas Trilogy (Costa), Koker Trilogy (Kiarostami), Tren de Sombras (Guerín), Tabu (Gomes), A Man Vanishes (Imamura), and Two Years at Sea (Rivers) that I am just scratching the surface of this great artistic medium. At the same time, I feel glad and relieved that there is so much more to explore.
It was Lucien Castraing-Taylor and Verena Paravel's Leviathan screening at New York Film Festival in 2012 where everything clicked for me. Watching the film I noticed French filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux, whose visceral art films happen to be some of my very favorite film watching experiences, sitting in the audience. Castraing-Taylor and Paravel turned out to be good friends of Grandrieux. And the subsequent discussion I had with Castraing-Taylor and Paravel (my interview here) reaffirmed for me that there could be much more to film as an art form than a mere telling of story with moving pictures.
Curated by Dennis Lim and Racheal Rakes, and presented in collaboration with the 2014 Whitney Biennial, along with the focus on the Sensory Ethnography Lab, I have no doubt Art of the Real's enthralling lineup will delight serious, adventurous film lovers' senses and help expand their minds.
The series include last year's festival favorite Manakamana (read Kurt's review from TIFF here), works by renowned experimental filmmakers/documentarians - Thom Andersen, Harun Farocki, Robert Gardener, Alain Cavalier, Raymond Depardon, James Benning and more.
The series runs April 11 - 26. For tickets and more information, please visit Film Society of Lincoln Center website.
Read on for some personal highlights from the series (with an assist by Ben Umstead)