The Netflix series Arcane, a steampunk-ish League of legends animation, turned heads. Hey, if you can rent Imagine Dragons to do the title song, what are your limits? But the series was unexpectedly excellent on all fronts, including story, and amassed a league of fans of its own. The second season hit this year and continued the winning streak.
This being a Netflix exclusive, a home release was always in doubt, buuuuutt... miracles do happen. The first season has received a very decent release on Blu-ray and 4K courtesy of Scottish distributor Anime Limited. And, lo-and-behold, there is also a special edition with pretty packaging! Large enough to fill ANY stocking this winter.
It's also quite the looker, so here is a gallery of shots. Click on the edge of the pictures to scroll through them, or at the center of each to see a bigger version.