THE MONKEY Official Teaser: Osgood Perkins is at it Again in Red Band Teaser

The first official teaser for Osgood Perkins' The Monkey, based off of the short story by Stephen King, is here. As expected, it kind of kills, literally and figuratively.
When twin brothers Bill and Hal find their father's old monkey toy in the attic, a series of gruesome deaths start. The siblings decide to throw the toy away and move on with their lives, growing apart over the years.
By now, we've come to develop expectations when it comes to Perkins' films. They're expertly photographed, this time employing Mexican cinetmatographer Nico Aguilar whose docket includes some work on Scorcese's Killer of the Flower Moon. 
They also promise to be highly disturbing as this red band teaser promises. For crying out loud, Theo James coughs up a... he coughs up a... well, see for youself below.
Neon releases The Monkey in cinemas on February 21st.
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