Friday One Sheet: HARD TRUTHS

Faces go a long way in poster; there is a wonderful pairing here. The design for Mike Leigh's latest film (premiering today at TIFF) uses text, both the soft yellow of the title, as well as above the line and credit block, to separate the visage of Marianne Jean-Baptiste from Michele Austin. The sight-lines show both of whom are looking into different middle distances, each lost in their own private thoughts, but leaning on each other for support. Challenges? Grief?

A high grain also complements skin tones and a soft bokeh background to further put all emphasis and pull the eye of any observer to consider these. No Photoshop here, just simple, clear photography, which is very fitting with the filmography of Mike Leigh. Hard Truths purportedly is a “tough but compassionate intimate study of family life,” and this tracks here.

The title itself, contrasts with a previous collaboration with Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Mike Leigh  almost three decades ago, the much lauded Secrets & Lies.

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