Hey UK and Ireland! Go See MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO in Cinemas Now!

Here in the States, we are very much enjoying your raucous Northern Irish film Kneecap, which our own Olga Artemyeva described as "bold, entertaining and boisterous - both as a cinematic piece and as a statement. It is also genuinely hilarious."

Frankly, we don't have anything homegrown to offer in return, so may I recommend something completely different? Now playing in UK and Ireland, Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro is a perfect picture to watch in a cinema, where you can become enraptured by the gorgeous animation and delightful story: "Two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother" and "have adventures with the wondrous forest spirits who live nearby," according to an official synopsis.

So, just like Kneecap, only with less cursing.

Why not give it a go? For more information, visit the official site for locations and showtimes.

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