Anywhere Anytime, pays homage to Vittorio De Sica’s post-war poverty classic, The Bicycle Thief, but updated to the modern delivery economy. Like the stripped down cinéma vérité of that film, which nearly single-handedly created a new aesthetic of storytelling on film, the key art for Milad Tangshir’s film has a spare, almost Banksy street art feel. 

On a creamy textured background, there are only two tones at play here: black and yellow. The colours of transportation (think taxis and road lines). The lemony outlined text rhymes with the lead character's branded gig economy' backpack, while the lead character himself is a fuzzy, hazy, charcoal drawn profile.

The credit block provides some foundation for the bicycle element, with other small bits of festival text and production credits at the top breaking up the negative space a little, but not too much.  It is a clean, catching image, where the title text is, I believe, intended to somewhat 'block' the lead character's forward momentum. 

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