CATNADO Trailer And Art: Micro-Budget Horror Anthology Lets The Fur Fly October

An overwhelming number of Anarchists are cat lovers, regularly posting tributes, updates and annecdotes about our fur babies. So I suspect that our collective torlerance for the micro-budget indie horror anthology Catnado would be tempered in this instance because it has cats in it. Lots of them. Flying through the air at a high velocity. 
Wild Eye Releasing is putting Catnado out on VOD and DVD on October 22nd. The trailer and key art were sent out today. If you dare, check out the trailer down below. It is exactly what you think it will be.
Twisters unleash hordes of enraged and deadly cats upon humanity in a new film from the makers of SHARK EXORCIST and SHARKS OF THE CORN!! 
From directors Donald Farmer, Tim Ritter, Curtis Everett, Alaine Hungington, and more! 
The world faces a horrific onslaught of tornadoes, each unleashing hordes of enraged and deadly cats upon humanity! As chaos reigns, a disparate group of individuals have one mission: to stop this feline fury. But against such odds, and with only one life to spare per person, their battle becomes a cat-astrophic struggle for survival. And when the fur flies it will be a meow-ssacre! 
Starring Erica Rowell Green, Joshua G Otto, Blair Kelly, Serena Salieri, and Tucky Williams, CATNADO is forecast to land on VOD & DVD, October 22 from Wild Eye Releasing!
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