BREED Teaser Exclusive: Is This Relationship Worth Saving?

Stick around long enough in life and you get to watch everyone's offspring grow up and start to pursue their own interests. Not speaking for all film nerds like ourselves but a fair number of creatives likely wish one of their brood took up the mantle and started creating their own stuff. Which brings us to Fuller Freeman and his dad Todd. 
Todd we've talked about over the years and he's been very gracious with his time, editing my interview videos these past few months. We knew for a while that his son Fuller got the filmmaking bug early and has already directed and edited music videos for local artists. Fuller's first short film, a cosmic horror called Breed, has been completed and submitted to genre festivals around the world.
We are pleased to share with you the teaser for that short film, down below. Probably the most recognizable face of the bunch is Graham Skipper. We don't get to see too much of Suzanne Voss in the teaser and Lillian Garrison and Noah Giles are local actors from Arizona.
Fuller's penning his first feature length script and Todd will be directing their new film Wretch Like Me in 2025. 
Tarable Pictures is pleased to announce that the short film “Breed” is now completed and submitted to genre film festivals all around the world. The film stars Graham Skipper (Almost Human, The Mind’s Eye) Suzanne Voss (The Lord’s of Salem, Dementia: Part 2) Lillian Garrison, and Noah Giles in a cosmic horror story about “a young couple that goes on a romantic getaway in an attempt to save their relationship.”
Producer Todd E. Freeman (Cell Count, Deep Dark) says, “the film came together rather quickly after the Writer | Director (first time narrative filmmaker Fuller Freeman) finalized the screenplay. First, we reached out to Special FX Fabricator Bryan Blair (Westworld, Cabin in the Woods) to create a very important piece that’s integral to the story. From there we set out to find the cast for the film. The two leads were local actors from Arizona (Lillian Garrison and Noah Giles) but then we reached out to a couple of actors that we’ve known and wanted to work with and sent them the script. We were so happy that Graham and Suzanne quickly came on board which allowed us to set shoot dates in March of this year. Once Bryan had our prop fabricated we rounded out the rest of the crew with seasoned professionals in AZ as well as a few from outside of the state. We shot the film over 3 days in Oracle, AZ, just outside of Tucson. 
After we completed the rough cut we flew out indie music artist Mo Troper (from Portland, OR) to compose the score for the film. All in all it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had shooting a film. The cast and crew was top notch and I hope to work with them all someday again soon. Be on the lookout for the film playing in film festivals in the coming months!”
Director Fuller Freeman is wrapping work on his first feature film screenplay as well as shooting new music videos for artists in the coming months. Producer Todd E. Freeman is developing his first new feature film in over 5 years, entitled ‘Wretch Like Me”; which goes into production in 2025.
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