BANGS Trailer: Comedy Short Part of Fantasia's Mieux vaut en Rire Program

A Quebecois entry into the vast array of short film blocks that make up part of the schedule at Fantasia this year. This time we've got an existential comedy short called Bangs from Montreal-based comedy duo Emelia Hellman and Nancy Webb. 
Bangs will play during the Mieux vaut en Rire program, part of Fantasia Festival’s Fantastiques week-ends du cinéma québécois. The teaser was passed along, you can check it out down below. 
Montreal-based comedy duo Emelia Hellman and Nancy Webb (Hellgirl Productions) bring their paranoia-fueled short Bangs to Fantasia Festival’s Fantastiques week-ends du cinéma québécois this summer for the film’s Canadian premiere. 
Birthdays are hard. What is it about turning 30 that has us groping for answers in the dark, only to find a pair of scissors with which to trim our (symbolic or literal) bangs too short? Bangs chronicles the downward spiral of a woman on the brink of 30 reckoning with the fact that none of her birthday party invitees seem to have noticed her dramatic new haircut, let alone all the changes she’s been making in her life. She quit her corporate job, launched herself into pottery, and served up a Bon Appetit-style meal that would have Alison Roman kicking down the door. And yet—nobody seems to notice. 
Bangs is about the universal human need to be seen, and the existential chaos that follows when that recognition never comes. Starring Emelia Hellman (Game of Death, Bellevue, Moment) Andi E. McQueen (The Wacky Word Show, Kinara, The Rebrand), Travis Cannon (The Diabetic), James Watts (The Diabetic, Death Trip) and Kelly Hurcomb (WFH, Messy Legend, Death Trip). Co-written by Nancy Webb and Emelia Hellman; Directed by Nancy Webb (Becca, The Rebrand).
Bangs will be presented alongside 11 other Quebec-based comedic shorts as part of the Mieux vaut en Rire program.
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