Friday One Sheet: MAXXXINE

Three entries in, and Ti West's horror-porno hybrid franchise (X, Pearl, Maxxxine) knows that its secret weapon is Mia Goth's "uncanny-valley" smile. This poster leans into it fully, with the Hollywood stage lights, the glossy glamour of the design referencing the films tinseltown setting as a backdrop, and a golden highlight. 

The triple X in the title serves several purposes. First, a nod the VHS horror boom in the 1980s (when Maxxxine takes place) where every tape was labelled XXX to capitalize on the American Motion Picture Ratings Association's addition of the X, which mean adults only in contemporary theatrical releases. Second, it is part three of the X franchise. And third, it is has typographical flair. The title card at the bottom just pops.

Also note Goth's cocktail dress has an X in the strap. Those cheeky designer fellows over at B O N D do not mss an opportunity.  (Also, is it my imagination, or is her tiny starlet wave flashing subtle devil horns?)

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