
STING Interview: A Mega Sesh With Director Kiah Roache-Turner

Because a movie about a humongous mutant spider derserves a humongous mutant interview!
Not content to work within the boundries of the press junket system (though we are deeply indebted to each and every publicist who does their job for us and gets us access to our favorite upcoming films) Sting director Kiah Roache-Turner and I decided that we would take it upon ourselves to have a mammoth interview session on our own time. 
There is only so much you can talk about in the alloted time that junkets provide, little blocks of time spread out over a large number of outlets and writers. Because Kiah had a whole lot to say about his new film and filmmaking in general - combined with the fact that we would be talking across time zones, hemispheres and calendar days - we wanted to make the most of it. 
So we went hard. In the end we had recorded nearly eighty minutes of conversation with over fourteen thousand words transcribed. Thank the gods, old and young, for transcribing software or I'd surely have gone insane writing that all out. Insane, but with a smile on my face. 
We talked about how Sting came about, his great cast, working with Richard Taylor and WETA, shout outs to those who helped make the movie possible and some hard truths about the film industry. And if you pay attention there are tid-bits about things that Kiah is working on right now. 
For additional fun I've also included other dialogue that came out of our conversation over the time we spent. Bonus material if you will. Stuff that sometimes repeats what we spoke about earlier in our conversation and times when we talked about things not so much related to the movie but to the director himself. 
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