
New York Asian 2022: FAST & FEEL LOVE Kicks Off 20th Anniversary Edition

Without getting too sentimental, I remember reading about the very first New York Asian Film Festival on a "message board," the early internet incarnation of a worldwide news site.

Now celebrating its 20th anniversary edition, the New York Asian Film Festival kicks off tonight (Friday, July 15) with the international premiere of Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit's Fast & Feel Love, which is "a thrill-a-minute romcom/stacking-action tale that is as fast moving and quirky as the oddball sport at the center of its plot," according to the official verbiage from the fest. "Throbbing with energy, ingenuity and originality, this spirited send-up of young adulthood is a mesmerizing showstopper."

That also provides an apt description of the festival itself, which has grown into an incredible celebration of Asian filmmaking in all its many forms. Here's what the festival says about its lineup this year:

"The 20th anniversary lineup will include six world premieres, eight international premieres, 19 North American premieres, four U.S. premieres, and 17 East Coast/New York premieres, showcasing the most exciting new action, comedy, drama, thriller, romance, horror, and art-house films from Hong Kong, Japan, China, South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Mongolia, Singapore, and the United States."

I would detail all the highlights, but I'm afraid that I would die of jealousy and envy for those who are in New York City and/or are in a position to travel to partake of the many fine things that will be made available through the festival, "running from July 15-28, 2022 at FLC, as well as on July 23 and July 28-31 at Asia Society, which will be co-presenting a selection of key films and a Hong Kong marathon day."

Visit the official site to gorge yourself on cinematic genre goodness.

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