Blood Window LAB 2021: Impressions From This Year's Projects

Blood Window LAB began on Tuesday with two pitch sessions in house during the day. Short introductory videos were created for those of us watching the market from afar. It presents a disadvantage of course because you know you’re missing out on the feel of the room as the presentations are going on. The buzz you feel when a project hits the landing or that collective and sharp drawing of breath that happens when the more ambitious budgets are revealed. 
We also miss out once again on immediate responses from the LAB’s jury members who get to ask questions of the presenters right there on the spot. Folks like Thomas Nam Jongsuk from Bifan and Mónica Garcia Massagué from Sitges who know the right questions to not only keep them on their toes but also address key issues like, what about your project is going to help someone sell it internationally, tell us how and why. Tell us!
So we miss out on that once again this year and will rely on our baser instincts of what we find appealing about each project. Because time was on our side, we can share impressions about all of the projects and will not be cajoled into choosing a top five. Everyone gets a fair shot to make an impression on us, some will just do it better than others as you will see below.  
We'll start with the home team first, all the projects from Argentina, then branch out into the rest of Latin America then conclude with the Spotlight selection.
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