In limited Prime series Paatal Lok, which combines intense crime drama with media muck-raking, the key art brings the weapons and the eyeballs. Design house, Rubarb, who frequently work with the streaming giants (e.g. Netflix's Narcos and Le Casa De Papel , Amazon's Bosch, etc.), have released a striking twofer of American style upright and British Quad for this Hindi-language production, which drops May 15th.
I have highlighted the gritty, tracked up yellow Quad design below, with its array of weapons and incriminating gazes. I like the visage-break in the nunchaku. The contrast of mustard yellow and black and white has a long history of graphic design, and it is thematically relevant here as the canonical use of this colour pairing is in hazard signs to notify people of danger. This is spot on with its crime / media combination the the nine episode series promises thus: “Divided along class lines, literally and figuratively ... a gritty society intertwined in a heinous web of lies, crime and violence.”
Paatal Lok translates to "The Underworld."