A few weeks ago, we posted a sneak preview of a quarantine-themes collective short spearheaded by Brian Lonano (Gwilliam). Well now, the monster is unleashed and available for public viewing!
Using the 'exquisite corpse' artistic method, 21 filmmakers ffrom around the globe contributed based on a rough outline by Lonano and his co-producer Kevin Daniel Lonano. The filmmakers were not to communicate with each other, spend zero money, and make their scene within the rules of their confinement. And what better story to pick than that of a human-made monster that is shunned by the world?
The result is a schmorgesbord of animation, live action, DIY, drama, comedy, tragedy, weirdness, and insanity. Homages to the book and various films, TV sitcom styling, stop motion, and other formations make for a stitched and delightful monsterous short. Pop some popcorn and check out the film below.